Alice Madness Returns panoramas.

Alice Madness Returns is not very panorama friendly. If you analyse them you will find quite some not-so-perfect stitched places. The reason is simple: It is impossible to avoid parallax errors since the camera is never fixed to a point, i.e. it is a camera problem. Additionally: When using a lower FOV you cannot get a real wide panorama since Alice herself pops up on the pictures again, like a ghost.
If you know a (working, proven, not guessing) way to set the view to first person without parallax problems tell me! The same goes for a working implementation of time-freeze and free camera move, that would allow quite some nice panoramas.

I am using Panoramaviewer from thsoft for viewing.

The boys room. 7436x2958, 3 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama the boys room

Alice's home room at the doctors house. 14249x7224 10 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama her home room at the doctors house

On the streets. 6096x1977 2 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama on the streets

On the roof before entering wonderland. 7494x2172 3.5 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama on the roof before entering wonderland

The Vale of Tears. 9180 x 5970, 5.5 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama Vale of Tears

Barrel Bottom. 7655x3910, 3.5 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama Barrel Bottom

Barrel Bottom, a slightly different angle and size. 16131x9283, 13.8 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama Barrel Bottom

Barrel Bottom, completely different angle. 6845x3191, 3 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama Barrel Bottom

The Dreary Lane Theater. 6885x2654, 2.5 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama the Dreary Lane Theater

A hidden room in Dreary Lane Theatre. 8903x3558, 3 MB.
Alice Madness Returns Panorama a hidden room in Dreary Lane Theatre

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